Bonaire 2017

Fairy Basslet French Angel french grunts Friends
Frogfish Glasseye Snapper Golden Seahorse Golden Seahorse1
Goldentail Eel Gorgonian Coral Green Moray Eel Harlequin Bass
Honeycomb Cowfish 2 Juvenile French angelfish Juvinelle Drum Lettuce Slug
Lionfish Lizardfish Mahogany Snapper Midnight Parrotfish 1
Midnight Parrotfish 3 Orange Spotted Filefish 2 Porcupinefish Purple Mouth Eel
Purple Tube Sponge Queen Angelfish Queen Parrotfish Red Banded Parrotfish
Reef Squid Rock Beauty Rock Hind Salt Harvest
Scene Slender Filefish Smooth Trunkfish Spotted Eel
Spotted Lobster 2 Spotted Trunkfish 2 Spotted Trunkfish and Drum Stoplight Parrotfish 2
Stoplight Parrotfish The Attack Trumpetfish Turtle
White Spotted Filefish 3 White Spotted Filefish 4 MAH03471