Bonaire 2015

Underwater Pictures
0 1 2 3 Spot Damselfish 1
Arrow Crab Banded Buterflyfish Banded Butterflyfish 1 Banded Butterflyfish
Banded Tube Anemone Barred Hamlet Blue Tang Juvenile Bridled Goby
Brittle Starfish at Night Christmas Tree Worm 1 Christmas Tree Worm Fairy Basslet 1
Fairy Basslet Feeding Coral Fish and Sponge Foureye Butterflyfish
Foureyed Butterflyfish 1 Foureyed Butterflyfish French Angelfish I 1 French Angelfish I
Frogfish Frogfish 1 Frogfish 2 Goldentail Eel 1
Goldentail Eel 2 Goldentail Eel Goldentail Eel1 Goldface Toby
Graysby 2 Graysby graysby2 Green Moray Eel 1
Green Moray Eel Harlequin Bass 1 Harlequin Bass 2 Juvenile Lionfish
Juvenile Yellowtail Damselfish Lettuce Slug 1 Lionfish 1 Lionfish
Octopus 1 Octopus Octupus Parrotfish
Pederson Cleaner Shrimp Peppermint Goby PIpefish- and stars enlarge PIpefish- and stars
Princess Parrotfish Princess Parrotfish 1 Queen angelfish copy Queen Angelfish
Queen Parrotfish 1 Queen Parrotfish Red Band Parrotfish Redspotted Hawkfish1
Reef Scorpion Fish 1 Reef Scorpion Fish Rock Beauty 1 Rock Beauty
Rock Beauty1 Rock Hind Scorpionfish Seahorse 1
Seahorse 2 Seahorse 4 Seahorse 5 Seahorse 6
Seahorse 7 Seahorse 8 Seahorse Sharknose Goby
Sharpnose Pufferfish Sharptail Eel Sleeping Parrotfish Slippery Dick
Smooth Trunkfish Spanish Hogfish Spotted Cleaner Shrimp 1 Spotted Cleaner Shrimp
Spotted Drum 2 Spotted Drum 3 Spotted Drum 4 Spotted Drum I 1
Spotted Drum I Spotted Drum Spotted Moray Eel Spotted Trunkfish 1
Spotted Trunkfish Stoplight Parrot 1 Stoplight Parrotfish 1 Stoplight Parrotfish
Tabacco Fish Tarpon at Night Tobacco Fish Trumpetfish 1
Vase Sponge 1 Vase Sponge White Spotted Filefish Yellow Headed Wrasse
Yellow Headed Wrasse Yellowhead Wrasse 1 Yellowtail Damselfish J