Blue Heron Bridge 2020

A running collections of the best of BHB 2020
Starting with my most recent additions
Blue Eyed Hermit Crab Downy Blenny 2 Shortfin Pipiefish 11 Hogfish 2 Fringed Filefish Pair Grey Triggerfish Hogfish Shortfin Pipefish 12
Shortnose Batfish 6 Fringed Filefish 2 Juvenile Queen Angelfish 2 Shortfin Pipefish 9 Juvenile Trunkfish 2jpg Juvenile Highhat 3 Juvenile Bluehead Wrasse Shortfin Pipefish 10
Tube Anemone Seahorse 1 Yellow Box Crab 3 Eastern Stargazer Hermit Crab Lantern Bass 2 Juvenile Grey Angelfish 1 Parrotfish 1
Juvenile Buffalo Cowfish 1 Seahorse 4 Dwarf Wrasse Cup Coral Shortfin Pipefish 8 Diamond Pipefish Shortfin Pipefish 1 Longsnout Seahorse
Juvenile Boxfish 3 Juvenile Bandtail Puffer 1 Shortfin Pipefish 6 Bighead Searobin Shortfin Pipefish 4 Spiny Lobster Shortfin Pipefish 3 Seahorse 3
Scaly-Tailed Mantis Shrimp Sea Robin Scaly-Tailed Mantis Shrimp 4 Juvenile Yellowtail Snapper Juvenile Honeycomb Cowfish 4 Juvenile Buffalo Cowfish Peanut Worm Reef Mantis Shrimp
Juvenile Grey Angelfish Juvenile Queen Angelfish 1 Short Nose Batfish 2 Juvenile Blue Spotted Cornetfish Christmas Tree Worm Short Nose Batfish Sea Robin Balloonfish
Belted Sandfish 3 Downy Blenny Juvenile Foureye Butterflyfish 1 Juvenile Grey Triggerfish Juvenile High-Hat Lionfish 1 Northern Stargazer Sharpnose Pufferfish 1
Stripped Burrfish Black Aglaja 1 Sea Spider Atlantic Sheepshead Barred Blenny Bearded Fireworm Black Aglaja Chesnut Moray Eel
Coral Banded Shrimp Shortnose Batfish Saddled Blenny Scrawled Filefish 1 Banded Coral Shrimp Yellow Box Crab Yellow Garden Eel Juvenile High Hat
Seaweed Blenny 1 Sexy Anemone Shrimp Juvenile Highhatjpg Sharpnose Puffer Hydroid Lomonotus Female Yellowface Pike Blenny 1 Seaweed Blenny 4 Plumed Scorpionfish
Spotted Scorpionfish 2 4 Armed Starfish Banded Coral Shrimp Pair Striated Frogfish Bandtail Pufferfish Seaweed Blenny Blue Swimming Crab Blue Throat Pike Blenny
Cushion Sea Starfish Fringed Filefish 1 Goby and Blind Shrimp 1 Golden Banded Coral Shrimp Green Razorfish Harlequin Bass Harry Blenny Juvenile Grey Triggerfish 2
High Hat Family Blue Throat Pike Blenny 4 Hogfish 1 Intermediate High Hat Fish Juvenile French Angelfish 1 Juvenile Grey Triggerfish 5 Juvenile Highhat and Arrow Crab Juvenile Highhat
Townsend Angelfish Juvenile Red Grouper 1 Lantern Bass Long Armed Octopus 2 Mantis Shrimp Pearly Razorfish Porkfishes Bobbit worm
Shortnose Batfish 1 Reef Octopus 1 Sand Perch Scrawled Cowfish Fringed Filefish Yellow BoxCrab Starfish Striated Frogfish 1
Swimmer Crab and Starfish 1 Web Burrfish 1 Yellow Stingray BHB Garden Eels BHB Long Armed Octopus